Introduction to Galatians
I actually did this Bible Study with a group of ladies from my church. We used “The Passionate Life Bible Study Series, Galatians Heaven’s Freedom”, a 10-week study guide by the Passion Translation. I reference the bulk of the passages in the Passion Translation unless otherwise noted, but you do not have to use the Passion Translation to do this study. I usually use at least 3 different translations myself. The questions encourage 4 points of view: discover God’s heart, explore God’s heart, experience God’s heart, and share God’s heart. In my group we used these questions to spark discussion, but here I have used them to provide a personal testimony of my own discovery, exploration, and experience that I can share with you. I highly recommend the study guide. I have read Galatians a few times over the last couple of years and yet before this study I couldn’t really tell you what it was about. Well, I’m very excited now to be able to tell you all about it!
Galatians is a letter that Paul, the Apostle wrote to the church of Galatia reminding them of the gospel of Jesus and all that his sacrifice has done for us. There had been some imposters of the brethren who were preaching a gospel that was mingling grace with works that was leading people back into the bondage of religion instead of into the freedom of the grace of God. Paul is reminding the Galatians how it is that they became free, instructs them on ways to guard their hearts against such foolish teaching, and brings understanding of how they can partner with the Holy Spirit to stay in the freedom of God’s grace.
I do want to suggest that as you read through the scripture for each session you ask yourself the 3 questions asked in every session from the study guide: What did you notice, perhaps for the first time? What questions do you still have? What did you learn about the heart of God?
I hope you enjoy this series on the Grace Gospel.