Introduction to 1 Peter

Introduction to 1 Peter

“And the Lord said, ‘Simon, Simon!  Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat.  But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail, and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.’” (Luke 22:31-32 NKJV)

Peter was the disciple who denied knowing Jesus when he was being tried for crucifixion.  Only fifty days later he was the first one to preach the gospel to the Jews in Jerusalem.  Three times he gave in to the weakness of his flesh, but Jesus gave him both a promise and a commission.  That once he was restored to Jesus, he would make it his life’s mission to strengthen the faith of believers.

Peter’s letters empower us with perseverance to overcome as he teaches the ways of purity and righteousness and how to remain faithful to God as members of a Kingdom not of this world.  In the days he wrote this letter, Christians were very heavily persecuted; his letters were meant to encourage them in their suffering as the presence of Christ grows stronger in our lives and gives us power from on high to overcome.  His letters are about living for God no matter what the cost.  I think it was the grace that restored Peter after his denial of Jesus that gave him this overcoming faith.  He witnessed the sufferings of Christ and himself suffered for His name.  When Peter was crucified in Rome under Nero’s rule, he stated that he was not worthy to be crucified in the same way as his Lord and pleaded with them to hang him upside down on the cross.  Even in his sufferings, his faith was victorious.

I did not use an outside guide for this 6-week study, I thought I would try it on my own.  I am using the New King James Version for the basis of scripture, although I will bring in some other translations here and there for amplified insight.  You are free to use any translation you prefer.

Enjoy this letter of living hope and enduring faith!

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