Galatians 4:1-20
Click Here to Read Galatians 4:1-20
It was always God’s plan to make us His children. When God created man, His intention was always “Family”. Not knowing sin, man is in perfect union with God. We were never meant to experience sin. But once man knew sin the soul of all mankind became corrupt and fell out of union with God. When the Israelites came out of captivity from Egypt the were freed from natural slavery, but they were still spiritually enslaved to sin and rebellion. Paul says, “We were enslaved by the hostile spirits of this world” (Gal. 4:3). But when that time came to an end God sent His son, born of a woman and born under the law to “redeem and set free all those held hostage to the written law so that we would receive our freedom and a full legal adoption as his children.” (Gal. 4:5). As we learned in the prior reading, it was necessary for us to see our need for a Savior and to see the value in the gift of grace. Jesus gave himself over to buy us back for the Father.
The law doesn’t govern our lives anymore, but we live a life governed by the Holy Spirit. “And so that we would know that we are his true children, God released the Spirit of Sonship into our hearts” (Gal. 4:6). Our faith grants us righteousness, puts us into Jesus, allows the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, and unites us with God once again. Now we have access to all that the Father has, just as Jesus did. So, Paul asks a great question. Now that we know Him as our Father and know how deeply He loves us, why would we choose to get back into bondage again? “Turning back to those weak and feeble principles of religion, as though we were still subject to them?” (Gal. 4:9).
The Galatians were returning to observing rituals, special days, celebrations and such rather than living out of love for God. There are a lot of things we do to honor and deepen our relationship with God, but any one of them can become “routine” if our heart isn’t in it. Getting baptized, taking communion, reading our bible, even praying, can all become nothing more than religious tasks that we perform. There is a passage in the first chapter of Isaiah that shows how God feels about sacrifices and blood offerings without repentance or obedience. “Do not bring worthless offerings again, (your) incense is repulsive to me” (Isaiah 1:13 AMP). When things we do to honor God become routine obligations, we cease to bring God any honor at all.
In verse 15 Paul asks the Galatians what happened to their kindhearted free spirit. Several other translations of this verse relate to joy:
“What has happened to all your joy?” (NIV)
“What has become of that sense of blessing and the joy that you once had (from your salvation and your relationship with Christ?” (AMP)
“Where is that joyful and grateful spirit you felt then?” (NLT)
“Where is that happy spirit that we felt together then?” (TLB)
When we are living in the freedom of God’s grace and allowing Holy Spirit to guide our hearts toward works that honor God, we experience a joy because we are doing it unto the Lord, but we also get to do it with Him. Just as Paul said the Galatians cared for him when he was in need. It was out of their great compassion that came from the love they shared with God that they took care of him. When we turn to works out of obligation or thought of earning something from God, we no longer have joy in it because we are doing it unto self or man. And we are of no use to God that way either. Paul warns the Galatians of the false teachers bringing back the necessity for observing rituals to be holy. “These men (the Judaizers) eagerly seek you (to entrap you with honeyed words and attention, to win you over to their philosophy), not honorably (for their purpose is not honorable or worthy of consideration). They want to isolate you (from us who oppose them) so that you will seek them.” (Gal 4:17 AMP).
Before we knew the Father, we lived like slaves. Now that we know Him, we live like sons and daughters. I think by now it is pretty clear that God is after our heart. He wants a relationship. Look at all that He has done to bring us back into unity with Him. The only requirement from us is willingness. Are we willing to come to Him? Jesus already opened the door. Are we willing to receive His grace? He has already given it. Are we willing to be transformed? Holy Spirit is ready and waiting. Are we willing to be His sons and daughters? He has already established Himself as our Father.
Let’s pray.
Father, we are so honored that you gave so much to redeem us and bring us to you as sons and daughters. We are so thankful for your Holy Spirit that governs our life now; that searches Your very own heart and mind for us. He is our connection to you, our Father. If we don’t understand all that we have access to would you bring a revelation of that to us? May we never bring anything before you if our heart is not in it. May we never turn from this great love you have given us and go backward into a life of bondage. Stir up that joy in us that comes from being in perfect union with you. Help us to recognize where that joy comes from and show us how to keep it fresh and alive. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.