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Author: Christy

Whatever He Does He Prospers

Whatever He Does He Prospers

“Blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God] is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked [following their advice and example], nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit [down to rest] in the seat of scoffers (ridiculers).  But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law [His precepts and teachings] he [habitually] meditates day and night.  And he will be like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams…

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Disarmed and Annihilated

Disarmed and Annihilated

“Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.” (Col. 2:15 NKJV) “Since all His children have flesh and blood, so Jesus became human to fully identify with us.  He did this, so that he could experience death and annihilate the effects of the intimidating accuser who holds against us the power of death.” (Heb. 2:14 TPT) In my quest to learn more about the authority I have in Christ, I came…

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Spending Time with Jesus

Spending Time with Jesus

“Now, when the men of the Sanhedrin (Jewish High Court) saw the confidence and boldness of Peter and John, and grasped the fact that they were uneducated and untrained (ordinary) men, they were astounded, and began to recognize that they had been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:13-14 AMP). Spending time with Jesus is literally life changing.  Take Peter for example.  Just prior to Jesus being arrested Peter told Jesus he was ready to die with him if necessary.  “Even if I…

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Philippians – Closing Thoughts

Philippians – Closing Thoughts

In conclusion of this study, I pulled out what I felt were the most powerful verses pertaining to our life in Christ and put it all together in one prayer.  I have come to really believe in and value the power of praying in agreement with the Word of God, so I encourage you to read this prayer aloud as a personal pledge to God, our Father.  Don’t worry if you don’t quite have all of this worked out yet,…

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Philippians 4:1-23

Philippians 4:1-23

Click Here to Read Philippians 4:1-23 “Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life.  Let your joy overflow!” (Phil. 4:4 TPT).  This statement from Paul isn’t just a suggestion to encourage us.  It is an instruction for us to obey.  Kind of like “be holy” or “do not fear” or “have faith in God”.   On thing I have learned about instruction given in the Bible: it wouldn’t be given if we didn’t have the capability to achieve it. …

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