About the Author
At the very start of my journey with Jesus I was given a dream. I saw Jesus standing on water. Stretching his arms out to either side of him he said to me, “I am The Way. The way is through me”. Then a shepherd appeared between us and he started waiving his staff at me in a come-hither motion saying, “Come on, come on, now is the time!” What I knew in this dream was that I had to literally go through Jesus, as though he was a doorway or a tunnel… a passthrough. I had to step into Jesus. I also knew that I was to put other people through him as well. I knew that as I stepped into Jesus, I was to grab people and put them into Jesus with me.
As I get to know Jesus more and more, I have a growing desire to share what I learn and experience. I know how intimidating it can be to try to read through the Bible. But when we spend time reading, studying, and meditating on the Word, we are reading, studying, and meditating on Jesus. It is in this process (and I can testify to this personally) that Jesus himself becomes alive in us. And it always helps me to have a guided study plan as I like to dig and pick apart things I don’t at first understand.
Encouraged by some friends and a word from the Lord I decided to create a way to share my personal Bible studies in hopes to inspire in others the love I have developed in reading the Word, getting to know Jesus, and discovering the heart of God. He loves you with an everlasting love, and Jesus has a special journey picked out just for you to walk with him. I invite you to join me in these Bible studies, embark on this journey, and step into Jesus with me.