Introduction to 2 Peter
This second letter of Peter’s was his final message to us before his martyrdom. He wasted no time in revealing what he felt was the most important message he could leave with us. TRUTH. There were increasingly more and more false teachers within the young church promoting immoral and ungodly living by denying that Christ was really going to return to judge sin.
Peter reminds us of the truth he personally witnessed being revealed in Christ, the trustworthiness of the words of the prophets of old, and the testimonies and teachings of him and the other apostles. He is adamant that the most important thing that will keep us grounded in truth is knowing Truth for ourselves. Knowing God and Jesus our Lord. Not just hearing messages about them or listening to men teach about them, but personally growing in our knowledge and experience with the Father and the Son. It is in our knowing them that we will be able to clearly see how we are to live and respond to this world around us while being kept blameless until the Lord’s coming. Truth will always prevail so we must do all that we can to stay grounded in it and never, ever leave its core. With truth as our foundation, we are unshakeable.
I did not use an outside guide for this 6-week study, I thought I would try it on my own. I am using the New King James Version for the basis of scripture, although I will bring in some other translations here and there for amplified insight. You are free to use any translation you prefer.
Enjoy this letter of unshakeable truth!